
To evaluate the manufacturers as per the published public/Private institutions/ hospitals procurement documents, if the manufacturers meet the criteria, so we share them LPR for the assessment of Market price behavior.


Authorization /Agreement/Price with manufacturers for the whole financial year.


  • Selection of those products / Manufacturer who will need published procurement criteria.
  • Communicate to business partners for published tenders (Newspaper cuttings and tender documents with check list for mandatory & required documents.
  • If any manufacturers have unique formulation products, we have strength to conduct in the formulary with the meeting with designated concern.
  • Preparation for Technical and Financial proposals in the light of SPPRA rules and on behalf of manufacturer provided documents & proposed net or quoted rates V/S LPR.
  • Optimistically evaluation of published comparatives and submission of grievance to concern if needed and prove our grievance in CRC meeting to get max numbers & products.
  • Approach to SPPRA if CRC minutes not responding judiciously.

Sharing of Award letter with manufacturer

We will share the Award letter with the manufacturers

Demand Generation:

Prioritize the products as per product potential and profitability like P-1/P-2/P-3 etc for healthiest business. Conducting sales team meeting before start working in areas, agenda as follow. Keenly observation of hospitals demand formulary with regular visit of concern areas (institute bulk / store) and meeting with store keepers and pharmacists to ensure the product feature benefits to gaining new heights by quantities and value making orders.